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Kim Lim Tells Us Exactly Why She Loves Easy Shape So Much

As a multi-hyphenate who wears many hats, no two days of mine are alike. I could spend one day at the office planning our next quarter and the next, shoot a campaign for a new launch or a magazine cover, visit an old age home then jet off across the world to find the newest technologies that might be a good fit for my brands, before coming home to spend time with my loved ones. Though fulfilling, the days are long and can be tiring and given my lifestyle I often experience bloating and water retention. Not fun.

That’s why I especially love our newest Easy Shape treatment. In just one hour, not only will you get a gentle, relaxing massage that improves your overall wellbeing, it will also reduce fat, tackle cellulite and improve skin texture. I thoroughly enjoy my sessions. And once you hear about how it works, you will want to try one too.

What is Easy Shape?  

The newest addition to illumia Therapeutics, it is a non-invasive, all natural treatment that has anti-ageing and silhouette shaping benefits. It uses the combined technologies of Roboderm, LED Light and Laser to destroy fat cells, reduce cellulite, stimulate collagen production, treat skin blemishes, improve lymphatic function, reduce water retention and boost overall well being. It can be used for a full body treatment including on the delicate skin around the eyes, face and neck and is safe for all skin types.    

How does Easy Shape work?

What sets Easy Shape apart from other treatments is the patented Roboderm technology that performs Multi Micro Alveolar Stimulation (MMAS). What’s that? It’s essentially like a six-hand massage, but much better. Using dimpled rollers that also have a suction function it can perform up to 21,600 micro stimulations per minute to effectively stimulate the subcutaneous tissue. This helps to optimise the lymphatic system, destroy fat cells, boost circulation and help combat water retention. That’s why it’s one of my favourite treatments to get every time I get off a flight. It tackles my sluggish lymph while also busting stubborn pockets of fat.

In addition to Roboderm, it also features LED Therapy and LASER. The LED helps to rejuvenate skin by stimulating collagen production by working on the fibroblasts. It also further helps to release lipids from fat cells, while LASER also helps destroy fat cells at the deepest layers of skin.

What are some of the benefits of getting an Easy Shape treatment?     

The beauty of Easy Shape is that it combines wellness and beauty treatments, targeting stubborn fat and cellulite while improving your overall wellbeing. I always leave feeling more balanced after each session. Here are some of the other benefits  

Body contouring: Lipolysis is triggered as the mechanical rollers along with suction go over the skin releasing lipids from fat cells at the deeper levels. This fat is then naturally eliminated through the lymphatic system.

Improving the look of cellulite: Micromassage stimulation aids metabolic exchange and improves blood flow to improve cellular activity, microcirculation and drainage. Simultaneously LED helps improve skin firmness and texture and together these help improve the look of cellulite. 

Bloating and water retention: It helps the drainage of accumulated fluids by stimulating the lymphatic system and encouraging lymph to return to the bloodstream and be eliminated naturally.

Improved circulation: The micromassages reach the deeper layers to improve blood circulation and drainage of fluids. As the subcutaneous layer and skin are also stimulated, it helps increase blood flow to the tissues thus improving oxygenation.

Skin tightening: Improved microcirculation at the cutaneous layer helps stimulate the fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin that work as the “scaffolding” to keep skin firm.

Anti-inflammation and pain management: Microstimulation increases microcirculation and oxygenation, which in turn reduce inflammation and pain, and speed up tissue healing.

What does an Easy Shape session look like?

I get ready for my Easy Shape session by first putting on the body suit. It’s extremely lightweight and stretchy, so it can fit just about anyone. The body suit is mainly for hygiene purposes to prevent dirt or skin cells from being sucked in during the treatment but it also ensures that the treatment is comfortable and doesn’t pinch even if you have loose skin or body hair.

My therapist will then do a once over to kick-start the lymphatic drainage and then we move on to areas that I would like to target like my thighs and abdomen where different applicators are used to deliver body contouring and cellulite busting results I’m looking for. I can feel a gentle suction during the treatment as the applicators go over each area, but there is no pain. I like to focus on a few areas at a time so each session lasts about an hour to hour and half.

Who is it for?

This treatment is suitable for all body types and is great for anyone looking to tackle cellulite or get a shapelier silhouette while also enhancing lymphatic drainage and boosting blood circulation for overall wellness. However, if you’ve just had surgery or are pregnant it’s best to tell us so our doctors can determine if you can get the treatment or not. I will usually avoid getting this treatment on my face as I have fillers and the treatment can interfere with those.

How many sessions of Easy Shape does it take to see results?

Depending on your concerns and the results you’re looking for, it’s best to get a minimum of 10 to 15 sessions spaced out one or two times a week.

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